Career opportunities
Statistics is an integral part of many industries, management, and scientific research programmes. Statistics demands the ability to use analytical techniques, statistical methods, and information technology for the manipulation and interpretation of information. There is a growing demand for statisticians and biometricians (people who conduct research and advise on experimental design, data collection, and data analysis in biology).
Many of our graduates are employed by Tatauranga ҕl | Stats NZ as statisticians, and in other organisations as research officers, analysts, and statistical programmers. Crown Research Institutes also employ a large number of statisticians, particularly biometricians. Other graduates are employed in the financial sector and by insurance companies, and industrial and commercial companies. Many large companies employ statisticians to deal with the increasing demand for the collection and interpretation of data.
Many other jobs, while not requiring people with a degree in Statistics, need employees with a working knowledge of statistics, in particular competence in using statistical software packages.
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