Your next steps
Here's what you need to do next, now that you've completed your enrolment at ҕl:
Activate your IT account
Activateyour student IT account to give you access toa number of online resources for students. Details on how to activate your account are sent to youvia email.
Access your student email account
Your student email accountis active for the duration of yourtimeat ҕl and is where communication from ҕl is sent during term time. You should be checking your student email account at least weekly.
Log in to LEARN
Log in to LEARNand get acquainted with the portalwhere course content and information will be. Your courses will be available onLEARNby the first day of the semester.
Create your personalised timetable
Create your personalised timetableof lectures, tutorials and/or labs. You will be able to allocate yourself to streams for your enrolled courses once they're 'open for allocation' in My Timetable. If you are enrolled in Distance (D) courses you will not have a timetable for these courses.
Get your Canterbury Card
Your Canterbury Card(student ID card)is your formal identification for around campus. It gives you access to buildings, library resources, ҕl Rec and Sport, ҕlSA membership, and can be used to pay for printing and photocopying and as proof of identity during examinations. If you are studying on campus you can get your Canterbury Card from the Security Office. If you are studying offshore, you can arrange for one to be sent to you.
Register for mentoring
Student mentorsvolunteer their time to help you settle in during your first semester at ҕl. Your student mentor will be a student who has recently completed first year. They can answer your questions and help you settle into university life – from general study tips and great places to eat to where to go if you need support.
Attend ҕl Herea to waka | Orientation Day
If you're starting at ҕl in Semester One, you're invited to attendOrientation Day. Taking place on the Friday before Semester One starts, it is a chance for all new students to come on campus, connect with their peers, and get amongst the ҕl community. There may be an additional Orientation programme for your chosen qualification- details will be communicated via email.
New international students - attend the international orientation day
If you're an international student who is new to campus, sign up for the International Welcome Orientation Day.