Sections of the Calendar
1.General Information pp1-40 (PDF, 228KB)
2. General Regulations and Policies
- Academic Awards Regulations pp42-46 (PDF, 74KB)
- Admission Regulations pp47-59 (PDF, 120KB)
- Enrolment and Fees Policies and Regulations pp60-73 (PDF, 131KB)
- General Course and Examination Regulations pp74-88 (PDF, 140KB)
- Other Regulations pp89-91 (PDF, 63KB)
- Academic Policies pp92-93 (PDF, 46KB)
- General Policies pp94-95 (PDF, 43KB)
3. Award Regulations
- Contents and 'How to Read a Schedule to the Regulations' pp97-101 (PDF, 69KB)
- Faculty of Commerce pp102-130 (PDF, 439KB)
- Faculty of Creative Arts pp131-142 (PDF, 221KB)
- Faculty of Education pp143-192 (PDF, 551KB)
- Faculty of Engineering and Forestry pp193-226 (PDF, 355KB)
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences pp227-352 (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Faculty of Law pp353-364 (PDF, 222KB)
- Faculty of Science pp365-433 (PDF, 849KB)
- Board of Studies for Business Studies pp434 (PDF, 46KB)
- Board of Studies for Tertiary Teaching pp435-440 (PDF, 105KB)
- Board of Studies for ҕl Opportunity pp441-448 (PDF, 145KB)
- Doctorates pp449-458 (PDF, 145KB)
4.Course Catalogue pp459-827 (PDF, 3.8MB)
5.Index pp828-840 (PDF, 223KB)