Your money - your benefits
All the SSL money collected can only be used for the benefit of students- never for academic or administrative costs.
ҕl students are surveyed annuallyto assess priorities and establish if studentswant particular services continued, amended or improved. The results of this survey informs the Student Life and Services Advisory Board (SLAB), who then make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor on allocations of funds from the levy and for setting the levy for the following year.
TheStudent Life and Services Advisory Board (SLAB) is the primary body for managing the partnership between ҕl and the ҕl Students Association (ҕlSA). It includes equal representation from ҕl staff and the ҕlSA. It provides a formal forum for ҕlSA representatives to present the view of the student body to ҕl about activities wholly or partially funded by the SSL. Students also have representation on the University Council which is responsible for the governance of the University, including oversight of the institution’s policy, degree, financial and capital matters.
The SLABensures the Levy is spent on meeting student needs,andis asked to inform, advise and make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor on the best physical, financial and service delivery options.
Student Services Levy costs
The SSL is automatically calculated onhow many points youenrol in per academic year, capped at a maximum of 150 points.