Two scholarships:
These scholarships have evolved out of the Edward Gibbon Wakefield Doctoral Scholarship, which was established in 2003 with an endowment by the late Mrs Priscilla Wakefield Mitchell of Totnes, Devon, in memory of her great-great-uncle Edward Gibbon Wakefield and his three brothers, all of whom inspired the founding of various New Zealand provinces. The scholarship is also dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Mitchell’s grandfather, Charles Marcus Wakefield, the distinguished diarist, who surveyed so much of early Waitaha | Canterbury; and lastly to the memory of her brother Edward Roger Wakefield, who was killed in action in the Balkans in World War II while serving with the Commandos. Roger Wakefield was a graduate of Christ Church, Oxford.
Christ Church, Oxford, in the foundation of King Henry VIII, is one of the largest and most renowned colleges of the University of Oxford's 43 constituent colleges. The City of Christchurch is named after Christ Church, Oxford, and the name 'Canterbury' also has a fundamentalplace within the college and the college's heritage and history. Alumni of Christ Church, Oxford, made up the largest quorum among the London-based Association which conceived, planned and governed the first years of the Canterbury settlement.
See individual scholarship Regulations for specific details - both scholarships offer cover for course fees and living costs.
Applicants for the scholarships must ordinarily be resident in New Zealand:
- Applicants must be:
- graduates of Te Whare Wānanga | ҕl of no more than three years’ standing; or
- eligible to graduate from Te Whare Wānanga | ҕl.
( Applicants forTheWakefield - Ngāi Tahu ҕl Scholarshipmust also whakapapa Ngāi Tuahuriri.The Christ Church Oxford Wakefield Graduated Scholarshipis a fully OPEN graduate scholarship.)
Applicants for these scholarships must apply to the University of Oxford and secure a university place, to read for one of the University's One Year Master's Course Degrees which are relevant to these scholarships. In one's application to the University of Oxford, ‘Christ Church, Oxford’ must be chosen aspreferred college. Theapplicant must be applying for one of the Master's Course degrees that are offered by Christ Church, Oxford. (See scholarship Regulations for details of available courses)
Parallel to applying to The University of Oxford for a study place at the university, one applies also for the Wakefield scholarship, online, at the website of the Scholarships Office of Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | ҕl, by 16 December.
Successfulapplications by ҕl graduates to the University of Oxford, for a place to study for the University's One Year Master's Course Degree (with Christ Church, Oxford, as 'preferred college'), will automatically be forwarded to Christ Church, Oxford.
In making the recommendation, the selection committee gives equal consideration to:
- academic achievement;
- proposed studies at and acceptance into Oxford
For the Christ Church OxfordWakefield Graduate Scholarship:
Since the endowment for this Wakefield scholarship belongs to the college, Christ Church, Oxford, it is the college which awards the scholarship. At Christ Church, Oxford, a selection committee comprising the Tutor for Graduates and two other tutors will review the application of any/or each successful applicant (see 3.3), and then will recommend to the Governing Body of Christ Church, Oxford, that it confirm the scholarship to the successful applicant or to ONE of the successful applicants.
For the Wakefield - Ngāi Tahu ҕl Scholarship:
The scholarship is awarded by Te Kaunihera | Council of Te Whare Wānanga | ҕl on the recommendation of a selection committee comprising:
- the Upoko (Ngāi Tuahuriri ) | Vice-Chancellor
- the Pou Whakarae Ngāi Tahu Centre (or nominee); and
- a representative of the Wakefield Trust (or nominee).
Although the Wakefield - Ngai Tahu scholarship, to all intents and purposes, is linked solely to the college, Christ Church, Oxford, should there be an unforeseen circumstance in which Christ Church, Oxford, is unable to offer 'a place' in its college to a successful candidate, The University of Oxford guarantees to arrange association with another Oxford college for the successful candidate.