You have additional obligations if you are an international student under 18 years of age.These obligations end on the day you turn 18. It is a legal requirement that your parents or legal guardian also read this information.
Additional obligations
1. Accommodation
You must live in one of the following types of accommodation:
- Homestay and private board
- Halls of Residence
- With a Designated Caregiver (relative or close family friend)
- With your parents
If you live in any other type of accommodation, your enrolment at ҕl is likely to be cancelled.
Your parents must sign an indemnity document (which will be emailed to you) noting your choice of accommodation. If your parents would like you to live with a Designated Caregiver, special arrangements must be made with the Student Care Team, including police checks and home inspections. Contact Student Carefor further information.
2. Contact with parents
Before you enrol, your parent/s or legal guardian must communicate withStudent Careabout your enrolment and well-being. A Student Care Advisor will keep in regular contact with your parent/s or legal guardian during your time at ҕl to keep them updated about your welfare.
3. Regular meetings with the Student Care Team
You must continue to regularly meet with your Student Care Advisor while you are under 18 years of age. They will check that you’ve settled in OK, discuss your studies, accommodation, general health and well-being and talk about any concerns you may have.
More information
Student Care
Phone+64 3 369 3388