Teledyne ADCP
Teledyne is widely regarded as one of the industry leaders in Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler technology. We have a 600Khz and a1200kHz ADCP, each with additional battery pack if required. ADCPs are able to provide a wealth of information from one powerful platform, including: directional wave data, tide data (both from integrated pressure sensor and surface tracking), and water velocities at user specified intervals throughout the water column. We have a number of mounting platform options, from a downward looking directional buoy mount, to a sea spider floor-mounted tripod, pyramid-form floor platforms with integrated gimbals, and an in-house engineer who can design and manufacture custom mounts for specific needs. The ADCPs can also be vessel mounted for mobile measurements of current profiles (eg tidal inflows in and around harbours). Backscatter data can be used to estimate the concentration of suspended particles (be they sediment or biological).
See the Bathymetry section for details of our survey craft and instrumentation.
S4 current meter
Particularly useful where ultrasonic methods are not as reliable (eg swash zone), the S4 is an older, but still reliable instrument which measures water current with electromagnetic field disturbance principles. An integrated precision pressure sensor is able to measure wave height and period as well as the tide.
A research grade Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) logger, the RBR is invaluable for detailed studies of tidal exchanges in estuaries, and other coastal water bodies. Also, with 6Hz profiling capability it can be used for short term wave measurements and for obtaining vertical profiles down to 50m depth.
Valeport miniSVP
The speed of sound is an important variable for accurate multi-beam bathymetry. Our Valeport mini Sound Velocity Profiler can be set up to record sound velocity, temperature and depth in an autonomous mode for profiling down to depths of 300m, or can be set up to provide continuous measurements in dynamic environments (especially estuaries, river outflows and so on).
Nortek ADV
The Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter can provide details on water turbulence, flow and tide. This system uses ultrasonic technology to measure a small packet of water below the instrument (to avoid disrupting the flow) and gives flow speed in x, y and z directions, which can be normalised to real world coordinates. Fast sample rates allow detailed measurement of wave motion, or simple information on stream flow. The ADV can be mounted of one of two existing platforms, or our in-house engineer can design and manufacture deployment specific structures.
Laboratory equipment
See ourSedimentology sectionfor information on laboratory equipment highly relevant for coastal studies.