CSSE and ICTS Computer Accounts for Staff and Visitors
Every staff member, visitor and guest has one, or more, CSSE and ICTS accounts. These accounts should be used properly, as detailed in the CSSE department'sCode of Practice on Computer Useand the documents it contains links to. Some orientation procedures andhelp informationfor CSSE visitors is also provided.
Staff accountswill be closed if the staff member ceases employment with the University, or with that staff member's permission, or at the request of the Chair of the Facilities Committee.Visitor accountswill be closed one month after they leave, unless otherwise specified.
Accounts are assigned to staff and visitors on the understanding that the Head of Department, Chair of the Facilities Committee or system administrators have restricted access to the files or any other information associated with those accounts. The restriction is that permission, verbal or written (if deemed necessary), will be sought from the person the account is assigned to.
The CSSE department pays directly any costs related to the use of ҕl and departmental photocopiers and printers.
Charges for Work-related Activities
The department absorbs costs for work-related activities. Staff should familiarise themselves with the various charge rates. Before doing something likely to incur a high cost (say over $100 for a single item), the Chair of the Facilities Committee should be consulted.
Charges for work done on a Research Contract
Where significant charges are incurred in the course of work on a research contract then they should be charged to the research contract. Consult the Chair of the Facilities Committee about how to proceed in this case.