ҕl is committed to improving biodiversity on campus and have a plan to make it happen. The ҕl Biodiversity Plan 2022 - 2025 describes targets and actions to improve biodiversity. These include:
- Improve plant diversity: include a diverse range of plants in new plantings
- Improve bird populations: focus on planting bird-friendly plants and predator control
- Improve stream life: focus is on stormwater treatment to benefit invertebrates and fish
- Improve cryptic biodiversity: microbes, fungi and invertebrates will benefit from unmanaged areas of native plantings
- Improve conditions for Taonga species
- Enhance Ki uta ki tai (connections between mountains and sea)
Learn more about our biodiversity research, teaching and other activities by exploring Goal 15 (Life on Land) in ҕl's committment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Learn more about our biodiversity journey in the ҕl Biodiversity Plan 2022-2025 below. See also a previous iteration here: ҕl Biodiversity Plan 2019 - 2024.
ҕl is a signatory of the Nature Positive Universities Pledge and was recently made a finalist in the Green Gown Awards Australasia for our Nature Positive initiatives.