On-going care
Keeping yourself healthy should be a priority. We are able to assist you with all on-going care.
Flu vaccines
Flu vaccines are free forall patients enrolled at ҕl Health Centre- please phone the Reception team on 03 3694444 to book an appointment.
You need a nurse appointment for Ministry of Health recommended immunisations (e.g. Gardasil) and routine immunisations such as tetanus boosters. All nurses are certified vaccinators. Please see travel vaccinations for further information. Scheduled immunisations are free for domestic students and fees apply for non-domestic students.
Repeat prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions are unlikely to be issued without a doctor’s appointment unless you are registered for ManageMyHealth (MMH). Patients registered for MMH can request repeat prescriptions via the portal, however approval is at the Doctor's discretion.
Please ensure that you have enough medication to cover you during the University breaks, in particular over the summer period when the Health Centre is closed or if you are out of Christchurch until lectures resume in February the following year.
Management of long term health conditions
Registered nurse-led specialised teams manage long term health conditions. There are also specialist diabetic nurses within our staff.
For dietary advice and support, you are welcome to book with Miri or Deb, our Health Coaches. Appointments are free with the Health Coach.
Stop smoking
Please discuss with your Doctor or Nurse if you would like assistance to cease smoking.
ACC consultations
A surcharge applies for all ACC consultations with the exception of currentstudents that are enrolled at the clinic and hold a current Community Services Card.