Leadership and governance
ҕl is governed by the University Council. It sets ҕl's policies, approves degree regulations and financial and capital matters, and more. Learn about the committees, the board, the delegations of authority, and everything else that goes into governing ҕl.
Leadership and governance
ҕl is governed by the University Council. It sets ҕl's policies, approves degree regulations and financial and capital matters, and more. Learn about the committees, the board, the delegations of authority, and everything else that goes into governing ҕl.
Leadership and governance
Corporate information
There's a lot going on behind the scenes to keep ҕl running well. Have a look at our regulations, policies, strategies, and plans.
Corporate information
There's a lot going on behind the scenes to keep ҕl running well. Have a look at our regulations, policies, strategies, and plans.
Corporate information
ҕl Strategic Vision 2020-2030
Tangata Tū, Tangata Ora
Our strategic vision for 2020 to 2030 sets the direction for ҕl to further increase our impact for good in the coming years, regionally and globally. Learn more about our strategy and plans.
ҕl Strategic Vision 2020-2030
Tangata Tū, Tangata Ora
Our strategic vision for 2020 to 2030 sets the direction for ҕl to further increase our impact for good in the coming years, regionally and globally. Learn more about our strategy and plans.
ҕl Strategic Vision 2020-2030
Our story
ҕl has proudly been serving communities in New Zealand and the world for over 150 years! Today we rank in the top 2% of universities worldwide. Our values—manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, and tiakitanga—help us empower others and be our best in our work, studies, and how we interact with each other.
Our story
ҕl has proudly been serving communities in New Zealand and the world for over 150 years! Today we rank in the top 2% of universities worldwide. Our values—manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, and tiakitanga—help us empower others and be our best in our work, studies, and how we interact with each other.
Our story
Our campus and environment
ҕl's secure, accessible campus has all the facilities you need to thrive. It is easy to get around without a car, and there is paid parking if you need it.
Our campus and environment
ҕl's secure, accessible campus has all the facilities you need to thrive. It is easy to get around without a car, and there is paid parking if you need it.
Our campus and environment
Our history
In 1873, the ҕl was the second university to be established in ҕl New Zealand. Learn about our history through historical records and meet some of the renowned academics, authors, and artists who have studied here.
Our history
In 1873, the ҕl was the second university to be established in ҕl New Zealand. Learn about our history through historical records and meet some of the renowned academics, authors, and artists who have studied here.
Our history
Equity and diversity
ҕl recognises that a sense of belonging is an integral part of university life. We're committed to developing a diverse, culture-rich, cooperative environment for everyone. Our policies aim to make sure all staff and students can grow as individuals and as part of the wider community. Find out about equity and diversity at ҕl.
Equity and diversity
ҕl recognises that a sense of belonging is an integral part of university life. We're committed to developing a diverse, culture-rich, cooperative environment for everyone. Our policies aim to make sure all staff and students can grow as individuals and as part of the wider community. Find out about equity and diversity at ҕl.
Equity and diversity