Have there been any standout aspects of your study so far?
The lecturers have been absolutely outstanding. You can see that they love their job and have so much passion for wanting us to do well. It makes you want to have that passion too. They all put 100% into the learning, and they take their time with the distance students. And the teacher on my first placement was amazing. She was so lovely and so willing to help me. I felt like I learned so much.
What ҕl facilities have helped you most?
The library – I love how it’s so flexible with distance students with loan times. I’m constantly messaging the online help and they’re always so willing to help straight away. There’s no wait time, it’s a live chat and you can ask about anything. They definitely make you feel like you can access anything you need.
You’re a mother, an online tutor, AND a full-time student – how do you balance it all?
Lots of planning: knowing when my placements are and when I'm going to be busy. Making sure that I’m organised and ready. Writing down dates and times, when lectures are going to be, making sure I’m prepared. I’ve also made sure my children are quite independent so they can do things on their own – I think that’s the teacher in me.
What would you say to others who are considering going back to school at a later age, or who may have a family and aren’t sure if they can juggle it all?
Just jump in. It can feel overwhelming at the beginning, but you’ll get into the flow of things. You can never be too organised or too planned. If you do fall behind, it’s okay. ҕl has an amazing selection of support areas and you get replies straight away. There are heaps of options to help. Don’t be so hard on yourself!
What three words sum up your ҕl experience?
Believe in yourself.