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Biblical Epic and Allegory

04 November 2023

John Milton was inspired by the text of the King James Bible and reflected it in both his preaching and in his great epic poem,Paradise Lost. Another work of the Puritan period, John Bunyan'sThe Pligrim Progressis considered one of the most influential religious books ever published in English, second only to the King James Bible.


John Milton

The King James Bible was not favoured by all. The Geneva Bible remained the preferred text for many Protestants, particularly those who would come to be labelled Puritans. Yet even some committed Puritans, such as the mid-17th century poet John Milton (1608-74), drew on the King James text. Milton’sParadise Lost(1667-74) retells the opening chapters of the book of Genesis: the temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan, and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Milton takes a new approach to the story in casting the fallen angel Satan as the tragic hero.

Paradise Lost,comprising 10,000 lines of blank verse, is written in the form of an epic, and echoes the King James wording in its narrative. Milton's portrayal of the ‘sublime’ – vastness, magnificence, and religious awe – has inspired many writers and artists in the following centuries.

Further Reading

John Milton,ed. by Barbara Lewalski (Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell, 2007) (Canterbury Staff/Students only).

Thomas Corns,(Oxford: Blackwell, 2001).

John Bunyan

John Bunyan’sThe Pilgrim’s Progress(Part 1, 1678; Part 2, 1684) is considered second only to the KJB in being the most influential religious work ever published in English.The Pilgrim’s Progressis an allegory which takes the form of a dream.

Part 1 tells the story of Christian who reads in a book (the Bible) that indicates the city he lives in will be burned. Taking heed of the Evangelist, he flees the City of Destruction, and makes a pilgrimage through places such as the Slough of Despond, the House Beautiful, the Valley of the Shadow of Death and Vanity Fair until he reaches the Celestial City. On the way he meets various allegorical personages such as Faithful, Hopeful, and the Giant Despair. Part 2 recounts the pilgrimage of Christian's wife and children.

John Bunyan (1628-88) converted to Chritianity and became a popular Nonconformist preacher and writer. Regarded as a subversive influence by the Restoration authorities, he was arrested in 1660 for preaching without a licence. Bunyan spent several years in prison at various times, during which time he wrote both parts ofThe Pilgrims’ Progress.Bunyan’s writing style was as successful as his preaching: his combination of simplicity, passion and humour resonated with people of all ages and differing outlooks.

The Pilgrim’s Progressreveals many turns of phrase from both the Geneva Bible and the KJB. It has in its turn influenced English literary writers such as Dickens and Thackeray, and has been translated into over 100 languages.

Further Reading

John Bunyan,The Pilgrim's Progess(London: Noel Douglas, 1928. Facsimile reprint of the first edition, published in 1678.

The Complete Works of John Bunyan, edited with original introductions...by Henry Stebbing (Hildesheim: Olms; New York, NY: Johnson Reprint Corp, 1970).

David N. Dixon, 'The Second Text: Missionary Publishing and Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress',International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 36:2 (2012), p. 86.

Online Resources

Frontispiece to John Milton,Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books, Book 2, 7th edn with notes of various authors, by Thomas Newton DD. (London: Printed for J. Beecroft, W. Strahan et al., 1770) (1MB).

John Martin's meotints forParadise Lostare famous or their depiction of light and darkness:

(0.8MB) Book IV line 813 'Satan Aroused'

(0.8MB) Book IV Line 502 'Satan contemplating Adam and Eve in Paradise'

FromThe Paradise Lost of Miltonwith illustrations by John Martin. (London: Charles Tilt, 1833) .

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