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The Classical Legacy

11 December 2023

Following the accepted tradition of a "universal" history, the Canterbury Roll quickly speeds through the founding of the three known continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa. On the central axis, descended from a grandson ofNoah, are the Roman godsٳܰԻܱ辱ٱ.This somewhat creative approach indicates the extent of the medieval historical imagination and the degree to which this could extend beyond the Bible.

A classical legacy is reinforced by the inclusion of Trojan refugees.Aeneas, Ascanius, ԻSilviusmake their appearance as the ancestors ofܳٳܲon the Canterbury Roll. The inclusion of these characters reveals the cultural influence of Rome on medieval minds.

Trojan Ancestry

According to legend,ܳٳܲwandered across Europe as a Trojan refugee. He travelled from Troy to Albion, an island that he renamed "Britannia" after himself. This is the starting point for a medieval foundation myth for the Britons.

The association of Britain’s origins with Troy is typical of a European-wide phenomenon in the Middle Ages. For instance, the French had their own version of the myth, which suggested they had descended from a grandson of Priam of Troy.

The story of Brutus’ journey to Britain strongly evokes the story of Aeneas’ voyage to Rome as told by Vergil and Livy. In the commentary accompanying the Canterbury Roll, events in Rome unfold parallel to developments in the British Isles. This reinforces the idea that Britain has a destiny comparable to that of Rome.

aeneas crn108 and 114

Aeneas (CRN108), Ascanius (CRN113), & Silvius (CRN114) – ancestors of Brutus (CRN115), crowned & the founder of Britannia.

By linking classical heroes with the founding of Britain (and hence England), the myth establishes a sense of "exceptionalism".

On the Canterbury Roll a few names and a short commentary communicate the great founding myth of England through a genealogical structure. This strengthens the credibility of the current line of English kings by portraying them as heirs to an ancient civilization.


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