Strategy and plans
ҕl activities are summarised in our annual report. They align with our plans, policies, and regulations. ҕl plans are detailed in governance documents that guide planning and management. Read on to learn more about our plans and strategies.
ҕl Strategic Vision 2020-2030
Tangata Tū, Tangata Ora
Our strategic vision for 2020 to 2030 sets the direction for ҕl to further increase our impact for good in the coming years, regionally and globally. Learn more about our strategy and plans.
ҕl Strategic Vision 2020-2030
Tangata Tū, Tangata Ora
Our strategic vision for 2020 to 2030 sets the direction for ҕl to further increase our impact for good in the coming years, regionally and globally. Learn more about our strategy and plans.
ҕl Strategic Vision 2020-2030
ҕl plans
ҕl's activities are aligned with our plans, policies, and regulations which are summarised in the Annual Report. ҕl plans are governance documents that guide planning and management at the University.
ҕl plans
ҕl's activities are aligned with our plans, policies, and regulations which are summarised in the Annual Report. ҕl plans are governance documents that guide planning and management at the University.
ҕl plans
Community Impact Report
Coinciding with our 150th anniversary, this in-depth, independent report shows the economic, cultural, social, health, leadership, and environmental impact ҕl has had on the Waitaha Canterbury region. Check out our Community Impact Report.
Community Impact Report
Coinciding with our 150th anniversary, this in-depth, independent report shows the economic, cultural, social, health, leadership, and environmental impact ҕl has had on the Waitaha Canterbury region. Check out our Community Impact Report.
Community Impact Report