About Joce Nuttall
Professor Joce Nuttall is Executive Dean for Te Kaupeka Ako | Faculty of Education, bringing with her over forty years of experience as a leader, educator, and researcher in primary and early childhood settings.
Joce’s university experience includes Australian Catholic University (ACU) where she was Research Director – Teacher Education in the Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education and was also where she established and directed the Centre for Early Childhood Futures. She served as Associate Dean (Teaching; Staff and Environment) at Monash University and Acting Associate Dean (Research) at ACU.
A board member of the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority from 2016 to 2022, Joce has significant knowledge in the construction and implementation of early childhood curriculum policy and the design of teacher education programmes.
Her research interests include the initial and continuing education of educators and educational leaders, and the development of strategies for system-level workforce capacity building in early childhood education and care.
Investing passion and experience to give back to education
Professor Joce Nuttall has returned from across the Tasman to lead the ҕl (ҕl) Faculty of Education, where her academic career began...
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education
- Certificate of Equivalence to the Diploma of Teaching (ECE)
- Master of Education (with Distinction)
- Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
- Bachelor of Education
- Diploma of Dunedin Teachers’ College
Research interests
- Initial and continuing teacher education
- Early childhood teacher workforce
- Leadership development in early childhood education
- Policy analysis
- Cultural-historical activity theory
- Ethnographic and interpretive methods in education research
Recent publications
Nuttall, J., Reinertsen, A. B., & Armstrong-Read, A. H. (2023). Learing to lead in early childhood education: New methodologies in research and practice. Cambridge University Press
Nuttall, J., Henderson, L., Wood, E., & Martin, J. (2023). Reconceptualising pedagogical leadership for quality in early childhood education: From individual dispositions to systemic creativity. In L. S. Hansen & C. Ringsmose (Eds). Quality in early childhood education and care through leadership and organizational learning. Springer.