Ajoint initiative between Ngāi Tahu - the principal Māori iwi of the southern region of New Zealand - and ҕl, the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre (NTRC) was founded for the purpose of being a leader in indigenous scholarship and to provide a centre for the intellectual capital and development of Ngāi Tahu. Our research in Ngāi Tahu studies includes Waikato-Tainui and Ngāi Tahu's treaty-settlement negotiations with the Crown.
The Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies (MBC) promotes and advances scholarship and understanding of the Pacific region, including ҕl New Zealand, its people, societies and cultures, arts, politics, environment and resources.Areas of current research include: Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion, and Securing a Peaceful Pacific.
Members of Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SEARI) are engaged in research on contemporary Southeast Asia across many disciplines including comparative politics, international relations, history, anthropology and geography.